Can help

  • Promote deep relaxation
  • Relieve pain
  • Reduce stress
  • Accelerate recovery from illness and accident
  • Bring inner peace
  • Release toxins
  • Release blocked emotions
  • Strengthen all systems of the body including the immune system
  • Dissolve energy blocks
  • Bring balance to mind, body and emotions
  • Increase vitality

Effective for

  • Virtually every known illness and malady
  • Spiritual growth and healing
  • Letting go of addictions
  • Enhancing any other form of treatment, therapy, medicine or natural remedy


This ancient Japanese technique is a natural, simple, safe and non-invasive method of Spiritual Healing. Reiki is extremely powerful yet gentle, often profound and always beneficial. It is a highly efficient treatment for Relaxation and Stress Release, working to heal the inner causes of illness, helping to dispel negative energies and blockages and restore energy that may have been depleted in the course of normal daily activities.

There is no belief system attached to Reiki and so it is available to all.

It works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques helping to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Reiki means “Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy” from an unlimited Source. We are alive because of this “Vital Energy” which flows through and nurtures all living things and is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and Spiritual Life.

When the flow of Life Force Energy becomes depleted, disrupted or blocked by factors such as; Stress and tension, worry and anxiety, emotional or physical trauma, destructive lifestyle and, when we accept negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves and others, we are more likely to experience ill health and feelings of depression. Reiki is an effective way of transferring Life Force Energy.

At the session

Whilst lying fully clothed on a comfortable couch, or sitting in a chair, Reiki Energy is channelled through a sequence of hand positions just above the body. Life Force Energy will naturally flow to the areas that most need attention bringing strength and support as it rebalances the whole being. A treatment is often experienced as a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around the body accompanied by a feeling of warmth, peace and deep relaxation. It is often described as a form of meditation. Some simply find it physically relaxing and a rare opportunity to unwind completely, away from every day pressures.

Many experience Reiki as Love.

After the session

You will have drawn the appropriate amount of energy you need. Results are therefore determined by each person’s needs and each person’s experience will be unique.

Receiving Reiki has a soothing, refreshing and balancing effect on mind, body and spirit. Vitality is increased, pain and stress are reduced a sense of peace and well being prevails.

A Common phrase is:-

” I feel that my batteries have been recharged”.