Can help

  • Reduce stress, tension and fatigue
  • Relax and Revitalize the whole person
  • Reduce pain and discomfort
  • Aid restful, sound sleep
  • Create a sense of calmness, peace and well being
  • Improve concentration and alertness
  • Relieve mental and emotional tiredness
  • Relieve neck and shoulder stiffness
  • Disperse toxins from tense, knotted muscles
  • Improve joint mobility
  • Improve blood flow and increase oxygen absorption
  • Encourage healthy hair growth
  • Release stagnant energy
  • Re-Balance energy flows throughout the body

Indian Head Massage

The traditional art of Indian Head Massage (also known as Champissage) is an integral part of India’s ancient Healing System of Ayurvedic Medicine. In Indian traditions, it is believed that massage preserves ones “Life Force and Energy”, and is the most powerful way of Relaxing and Rejuvenating the whole body.

Champissage was originally used in Indian families by the women, who believed that regular massage of the scalp, with oils, was the key to a lustrous growth of hair. The techniques practised today involve an expansion of the massage element with gentle manipulation of the soft tissues of the upper body; and in today’s modern world, these are areas where we are most likely to feel the effects of stress and tension. It also works on an energetic level, helping to free obstructions in the flow of our Life Force and Energy.

A truly effective, holistic therapy, Indian Head Massage and the wisdom of the culture which lies behind this fabulous treatment provides relief for mental, emotional and physical stresses; helping to achieve clarity of mind, a serene spirit, and a complete sense of well being.

If you are stressed, busy and have only half an hour to spare, treat yourself to a wonderfully relaxing Indian Head Massage!

If you have a serious health problem or have had a head, neck or shoulder injury it is advisable to consult your doctor first.

At the session

As with other therapies, there is always a confidential consultation before your first treatment to discuss your physical and emotional well-being.

This deeply soothing head massage is delivered seated and fully clothed and normally lasts about 35 minutes.

The muscular tissues of the upper back, arms, shoulders, neck, scalp and face are massaged using a range of highly effective, firm and gentle rhythmical pressures. The body is energetically balanced as built up tensions simply float away.

After the session

It is advisable to drink plenty of water in order to help flush out the toxins released from tense muscles. Clients generally feel refreshed and revitalised, deeply relaxed, centred and nurtured. Even though the technique involves strokes which at first appear too gentle to have any effect, a common phrase following a treatment is:-

“I feel as if my whole body has been treated”