Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

This site was created in order to share the information about the positive, and most effective benefits and insights of the modalities displayed. It is therefore for educational purposes and whilst thought to be accurate is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Please note that these types of Natural Health Care are not substitutes for medical care. Information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult with the appropriate Health Practitioner in case of any medical condition.

What information is collected?

Information and consent regarding a medical case form.

What is this information used for?

This process is a fast and effective way to provide me with key information which will help to build a treatment plan to best suit your needs. If you provide your e-mail address, it may be used to advise you of updates, periodic specials or promotions etc.

How is this information protected?

All information provided in your medical case history form and recorded during your session(s) is confidential and must be treated in accordance with the Personal Information and Protection Act. In addition, a Standard Code of Practise must be adhered to in accordance with the rules of the Complementary Therapist Association (CThA).

Is any information disclosed to outside parties?

Personal information is not shared with others without your express permission. (This could be other medical or professional practitioners or parties who maybe involved in your current health care program.)